Touring/Studio Drummer, Percussionist, Producer
Tony Cimorosi NY International 1989
Billy Eric Little Hints 1990
Randy Coven Funk Me Tender 1990
Nanette Natal Stairway to the Stars 1992
David Byrne David Byrne 1994
Selena Dreaming of You 1995
Blue in the Face Original Movie Soundtrack 1995
Out of the Grey Gravity 1995
Tomer Sphere of Fire (Co Prod.) 1994
Mike Frost Tears of Joy 1995
Baba Olatunji Love Drum Talk 1997
Hayes Greenfield’s
Jazz-A –Ma-Tazz 1998
Da Da Dah Love Not Love Lust Not Lust (perc.) 1999
Sara K No Cover 1999
Randy Coven The Best of Randy Coven 2000
Sara K What Matters 2001
Angry Man
Breakfast Have Another Day (co-composer/prod.) 2002
Ute Lemper But One Day (co-producer and drums) 2002
Ute Lemper Blood and Feathers (also DVD) 2005
Ute Lemper Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
(co-producer and drums) 2007
Dr. David Chesky’s
Sensational… CD 2012
Ute Lemper Forever
Love poems of Pablo Neruda (perc.) 2013
Ute Lemper The Bukowski Project (co-creator) 2013